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Poker ties and how to solve them

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Poker is a winner-takes-all game, based on who has the best hand at the final showdown. But it’s possible for two or more players to have matching hands, or at least hands of an identical value. In such cases, there is the potential for a tie, where two (or more) players are declared joint winners, and the pot is shared between them. Usually, however, there is a tiebreaker that determines which of the matching hands is the winner.

Look to the high card

In most cases, two hands that are of equal value according to poker rules aren’t actually identical. The basic principle to follow is that in the event of a tie, the high card determines the winner. How this works in practice is different depending on the hands being played.

Kickers come into play

With most matching poker hands, whether sat around a table or at an NJ online casino, the kickers are the determining factor. For hands that don’t involve all five cards, such as pairs or a three-of-a-kind, the kickers are the side cards that make up the numbers. They’re not the main component, and usually don’t affect whether a hand beats its opponents or not. But in the event of tie, these back-up cards come into their own.

In the case of two or more players having a pair, two pairs, or three of a kind, then the highest set wins. If they have identical sets, for instance, they both have two kings, or two kings and two sevens, then the player with the highest-ranking kicker is the winner. Ifthere are two or three kickers, then each player compares their highest cards until one outranks the other.

Straights and flushes

Straights and flushes both use all five cards in a hand. If two or more players bothturn up one of these hands, the one with the highest top card wins. In the history of gambling, it’s veryrare fortwo straights or flushes to be of identical value. If this happens, we have a genuine tie, and the pot is split equally. Two royal flushes are always a tie.

Full house

A full house is made up of three of a kind and a pair and is always judged first on the three matching cards (triplets, or trips). If these are matching, then the highest pair wins. The pair in a five-card full house effectively acts as the kicker, and its value only matters in the event of a tie.

No pairs

If none of the players even has a pair, never mind a stronger hand, all the cards are laid out in order, high to low. These are compared, and the player with the highest non-tied card wins.

Genuine ties are rare in poker. The better your hand, the less likely it is that another player will have one of identical value. Nevertheless, they do happen, and it’s worth keeping an eye out for situations which should be a tie, but one player claims to be the overall winner. Keep your tiebreakers handy: you never know when you might need them.

What is the history of Gambling?

As indicated by texts and equipment discovered in tombs and other locations, gambling is one of humanity’s oldest occupations. It is intrinsically related to the history of gambling, as it appears that no matter how far back in time you go, there are indicators that gambling was undoubtedly taking place wherever groups of people gathered.


The earliest tangible evidence may be found in Ancient China, where tiles were discovered that appeared to have been used for a simple game of chance. The Chinese ‘Book of Songs’ implies that the tiles were used in a lottery. Keno has its roots in a Chinese game known as “baige piao,” which translates to “white pigeon ticket” and refers to the connection between tickets and homing pigeons. 

Ancient Greeks and Romans 

The ancient Greeks and Romans were known for gambling on anything at any time. In reality, all types of gambling were outlawed in the ancient city of Rome, including dice games, with a four-fold penalty levied on those detected. As a result, astute Roman people devised the first gambling chips, allowing them to claim they were simply playing for chips and not for real money if they were apprehended by the guards.

Playing cards

The original playing cards were most likely invented in China in the ninth century AD, according to most scholars. Some believe the cards were both the game and the prize, similar to today’s trading card games, and others believe they were the first paper version of Chinese dominoes.


The two-player card game of Baccarat, which traveled from Italy to France, is the oldest game still played in casinos today. The game evolved through hundreds of years and underwent numerous changes to become what we know today. Although other versions of the game have existed, the typical form used in casinos around the world originated in Cuba and was brought to the United States via Britain, with a few rule changes along the way. 


Some academics believe there was an early kind of blackjack similar to the one we know today. Blackjack is a game that originated in Spain and is known as Ventiuna, which translates to “twenty-one.” The game Ventiuna was most likely an early variant of the game we know today, which dates from the seventeenth century.

Paris’ Little Wheel

The game began at gaming houses in Paris. The roulette wheel used in the American version of the game is similar to the one used in the European version. However, it took almost fifty years for the game to become the refined version we know today. It just had a single zero on the roulette wheel, which generations of roulette players have appreciated.


Poker appears to have evolved spontaneously over decades, if not centuries, from a variety of card games. Some claim that poker’s origins can be traced back to seventeenth-century Persia, while others claim that the modern game was influenced by a French game known as Poque.

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